mardi 22 mai 2012


To display a PLY, there already exists a few solutions however I was trying to display them in the browser and there is no such solution. So, I wrote a first prototype in java with GWT.

As I forgot how to display 3d objects since school, I looked on the web and found a very interesting post from Markus Dwyer who wrote this tool: I took this code and converted it in java. You will ask me why I rewrote it in java, well there is no good reason except that I wanted to :-).

It will download the point cloud from Google App Engine and display it on a canvas. I will update the prototype very soon to download a ply using JSON to avoid google app engine.

Please note that the prototype only displays point clouds for the moment.

You can use:
  • arrow keys to move
  • shift + arrow keys to rotate
  • Select the mode and use the mouse to rotate, move or zoom
  • Touch screen works but only with one finger (I will update multi touch soon)


The source code can be found here.

Here are the photo I used to reconstruct the model:

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